New approaches to records management


Le MaSTIC accueille ce jeudi 6 mars 2014, dans le cadre du cours d’automatique documentaire, le conférencier James Lappin qui nous parlera des nouvelles approaches dans le domaine du Records Management. La présentation commencera à 17h00 au DC11.210.

James Lappin est un expert de renommée internationale dans le domaine du Records Managament qui alimente notamment le blog Thinking Records.

Résumé de la présentation :

The past two years have seen big changes in the records management space. New tools have come onto the market such as eDiscovery index engines, shared drive clean up tools, SharePoint plug ins, and manage in-place tools.

The tools bring with them new techniques and methods such as analytics, auto-classification and a ‘big buckets’ approach.

These new tools and methods constitute an information governance approach to records management.

This talk will describe the strengths and weaknesses of the new tools and place them in context by comparing them with previous records management approaches, including the Electronic Document and Records Management system approach.