Offre de stage en marketing / communication au sein de l’Institut National de Métrologie Belge (SMD)
On Tuesday 14 September 2021, the ADOCHS project (Auditing Digitalization Outputs in the Cultural Heritage Sector) organises an international study day on Image & Data Processing in the Cultural Heritage Sector. While morning presentations will shed light on the project results to improve quality of the files produced in the context of heritage digitisation, those …
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The Talent Acquisition team of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is reaching out to you regarding their Traineeship programme. The EMA Traineeship Programme The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has published paid traineeship opportunities in areas such as medicine regulation, life sciences, healthcare, chemistry, information technology, law, pharmaceutical regulatory affairs, human resources, finance, communications, public relations and library and information science. The …
Plus d’information se trouve ici.
Le Prix ABD-BVD 2021 a été attribué à Benjamin Janssens (MaSTIC) pour son mémoire « Analyse critique de l’évolution de l’EAD et de son implémentation via les logiciels AtoM et ArchivesSpace« . Bravo à Benjamin !
Plus d’information se trouve ici. L’offre est prolongée jusqu’au 18 juin.